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Glan-yr-Afon Primary School

Linking Learning to life…….. Inspiring children for exciting futures!

January re-start

Dear parents / carers,

As you may be aware the Welsh Government made an announcement this morning regarding the return to school of all pupils in the new year.

Due to the current levels of uncertainty regarding the impact of Omicron, all schools will have two planning days at the start of the new spring term, this will allow us to assess staffing capacity and put the necessary safety measures in place to support the return of learners. We are also conscious that what we learn over the coming weeks about Omicron may require interventions for the higher risk levels as set out in our Local Decision Framework. Therefore, school will finish tomorrow Friday 17th December 2021, and all pupils will return to school on Thursday 6th January 2022.

As a precautionary approach, we have been asked to plan for the return of pupils based on the ‘very high’ risk level. As part of this preparation, the Welsh Government has issued a Coronavirus Act 2020 Notice to allow schools to determine what mitigations need to be put in place for the safe return of all pupils.

We are planning for the school to start at 8.45am and finish at 3.00pm as normal. There will be no breakfast club provision on Thursday 6th – Friday 7th January 2022. From Monday 10th January Breakfast Club will restart, however pupils will receive a cereal bar and a drink in their classes 8.45am – 8.55am, the hall will not be used for Breakfast Club initially. We will review this during the first few weeks of the school term. We will continue with our year group bubbles for lessons, breaktimes and lunchtimes.

There will be no online learning Tuesday 4th – Wednesday 5th January 2022 as all staff will be preparing and planning for the safe return of pupils on these days.

We will be sharing more information with parents and carers about any other changes to the school day on Tuesday 4th January 2022, once we have had updated information and data from the Welsh Government following the Christmas period.

During these uncertain times, I would like to wish you all a safe and Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year. Thank you for all your support over these difficult times. Look after yourselves and your loved ones. Stay Safe! We look forward to welcoming you all back on Thursday 6th January 2022. 

Many thanks


Rhian Lundrigan

Executive Headteacher