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Glan-yr-Afon Primary School home page

Glan-yr-Afon Primary School

Linking Learning to life…….. Inspiring children for exciting futures!

Dosbarth Gwyrdd (Y4)

Croeso i Flwyddyn 4!

Welcome to Year 4!


Hi, My name is Mrs Powell and I am the class teacher in year 4 from Mondays to Thursdays.  Mrs Hyde will be class teacher on Fridays. 

Mrs Williams will be supporting our class this year.

PPA will be every other Wednesday and will be taught by Mrs Macdonald. 


Our school day:

School starts - 8.45am

Assembly - 9.00am

Breaktime - 10.30-10.50am

Lunchtime - 12.30pm - 1.10pm

School finishes - 3.00 pm


Punctuality and attendance is so important. If your child is unwell please call the main office to inform us of the reason. 

Children will be dismissed through the door by the gate to the top yard.



Your child will be sent home with a reading book. Reading with them for just a few minutes every night will make a huge difference. They also have a giglets login which enables them to access a variety of online reading books at their appropriate level. 



Children will  have PE on a Friday. For this they need:

Crys-t / t shirt

Siorts / shorts

Esgidiau chwaraeon /  trainers 



We are very proud of our school uniform and ask that all children wear it every day. Please can uniform be labelled. 


Breaktime snack.

In line with healthy school guidance we ask that all children bring in either fruit or vegetables only for their snack. We also ask that children are provided with a bottle of water each day for school. They will have the opportunity to refill this during the day. Fizzy /energy drinks are not to be brought in please. 


Google class.

The children all have a hwb account with their own individual login details. They then have access to their google class account. Homework will be set in google class. 


Our first topic - GROWTH!!

In Year 4 we will be talking all things GROWTH. We will be looking at the human body, plants and animals. We will look at skeletons and teeth, food chains and personal hygiene - what a busy few weeks ahead we have!

In Literacy we will begin with letter writing. In Numeracy we will be looking at place value, comparing and ordering numbers and rounding. 


Topic 2 - Wales and the world

During this topic we will be comparing Wales with other countries in the world, looking at their traditions, money and food.. We will be learning Welsh folk dances in P.E. and reading some welsh folk tales in Literacy. In maths and numeracy we will be describing position by looking at co-ordinates and shape. Take a look at the overview to see what else we will be covering. There are ideas for homework tasks.


Topic 3 - I am Warrior!

We will be looking at important events in history looking at Welsh battles. We will investigate life during the Roman times and find out all about soldiers and their uniforms. Check out the homework grid below. Bring your homework in to school to show your friends what you have done. 


If you have any questions please feel free to speak to a member of staff on the door or call the office to make an appointment.

Thank you so much for your co-operation this year.

Diolch yn fawr

The year 4 team.

How to log on to HWB