Dosbarth Sir Benfro (Year 2/3)
Welcome to Dosbarth Sir Benfro !
Our class is made up of Year 2 and 3 children.
Our teacher is Mrs Townley and our teaching assistants are Mrs Holley and Mrs Neale.
School Closure Learning Packs
Here are the Home Learning Packs. They are in PDF format. The learning packs have been designed so that children do not have to access a digital device although we recognise that some of the tasks and activities could be completed with the use of the device. If your child chooses to do so that is fine with us. We just wanted to be able to cater for all children and we are aware that not all children have a device at home.
We appreciate that this is an extraordinary way of learning for your child. Please adapt the acticities if you believe they are too difficult or too easy for your child. As you are aware teachers are currently working to ensure that the children of NHS workers are look after and are also beusy preparing work for your children when the next 4 weeks are up.
Should there be any issues with accessing the home learning packs then you can contact If there is a way of solving the problem e.g. by making a task easier / harder then do so. Emailing the above email address should be a last resort.
Thank you for your support. Stay safe.
Useful Home Learning Websites by Category
Y2 Packs
Y3 Packs
Useful School Closure Website Links for Parents and Pupils
In the event of a school closure due to COVID-19 the following website links may be useful for providing activities, games and resources for you to use for home learning. Activities from these websites may be completed on a voluntary basis in addition to the Pupil Resource Packs sent home from school.
Google Apps for Education Links
Hwb Website
Other Websites
Our topic this term is What's in a Story?
We have already talked about the things the children want to find out including Who wrote the first story? Who is the most popular children's author?
What makes a good story?
We will be reading lots of stories in class and it would be great if children could bring their favourite books to school to share with the class.
This term we are working with the Cardiff City Foundation so children will need to bring kit on Wednesdays. If the weather is fine we will go outside so children will need joggers and sweatshirt or t shirt and shorts for inside if the weather is bad.
Homework is given on a Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday, In addition to this please try to make time to read with your child at least three times a week . Children can change books whenever they have finished the book they are reading at any time.
Children are welcome to bring fruit to school as a snack for break or fruit is available to buy for 30p a day.