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Glan-yr-Afon Primary School

Linking Learning to life…….. Inspiring children for exciting futures!

Dosbarth Pinc (Nursery/Reception)

Welcome to Dosbarth Pinc



Staff- Teachers - Mrs Williams (Mon-Thur) Miss Saville (Friday)

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Nazemi (Mornings) , Miss Kerle, Mrs Macdonald (PPA cover every other Monday)


Our PE day is Friday. Please come dressed in dark joggers/shorts and a white t shirt for PE.   


Snack is £1.50 for the week.   We are a Healthy eating school and snack is a variety of healthy choices such as a range of fruit and vegetables. If children wish to bring their own snack they are very welcome to bring their own choice of fruit or cut vegetables. (If providing grapes can you please make sure that they are cut in half lengthways).

The children need to bring a refillable water bottle, filled with only water every day.


The doors to our Nursery Morning session open at 8.45 and the session ends at 11.15.



Reception day is from doors opening at 8.45 to 3.00.


Monster Phonics

Here at Glan Yr Afon we are using Monster Phonics to develop our skills for both reading and writing. We will meet all of the new monster characters and they will help us with their special sounds.

The Monster characters have a special song that will help us to recognise them. It's really fun. We have included some links so that they can explain who they are and how they work.





Autumn Term 2024- Me and My Senses.

This term when we first come back we will look at how different people feel about Starting School and sharing stories and activities to help us settle into a new routine. For our Learning Context we will be looking at our Senses. Finding out what they are and discovering how we use them and what they do.  We will be undertaking lots of investigations, sharing stories about our senses and what we find out about our senses. 




Here is a link to some activities that you might like to try at home-



Home Tasks Autumn 2024 My senses.

Summer Term 2024- Going Underground

This term we will be looking at what goes on underground. We will be looking at foods that grow under the ground and will be growing our own vegetables. We will be sharing the story of Oliver's Vegetables and the Enormous Turnip. We will also be looking at fossils and dinosaurs with stories and rhymes like '10 tiny dinosaurs' and Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs. We will also be looking at digging underground using Diggers and Dumpers. We are in for a very busy time! There will be songs and stories about animals that live under the ground and we will be classifying animals that live above and below ground. Listen out for 'I am a mole and I live in a hole!'


Here are some activities you might like to try at home linking to our learning. Have fun!

Spring Term 2

Our Learning Context is 'There's no place like home'. We will be looking at different types of houses, what we would find in the rooms of our homes and making plans of them. We will be sharing stories such as Six Dinner Sid and the Three Little Pigs. We will also be looking at Spring and Easter. 



Spring Term 1- Colours of the World

This term we will be focusing on Colours. We will be looking at stories of colours, how to make colours by colour mixing, colours around us in Winter and the celebration colours of Chinese New Year. We will be sharing the stories of the Crayon box that talked, of Elmer and his friends and Lost and found. We will be looking at experiments of how to make our own crayons and looking at properties of ice.


Here are some activities that you might like to try at home linked to our theme. Enjoy!







Autumn Term 2- Favourite Stories and Rhymes.

During this context for learning we will be looking at some Traditional tales and some well loved stories. We will also be focusing on the Celebrations of Diwali and Christmas. We will sharing the traditional tale of the Three Billy Goats gruff and investigating Trolls and bridges. Our other stories will include Dear Zoo which is a firm favourite in our class and Owl babies. Does your child have a favourite story that they love at home? If they could bring it into school to share with the rest of the classmates we would love to find out what stories we all enjoy. They might be happy stories, sad stories or even some scary stories. We can't wait!




Home Tasks Autumn 2- Why not try some of these at home?

Autumn Term 2023- Myself.

This term the children will be looking at different aspects about themselves. Our Sensational Start will need a photo of us from when we are a baby. We look forward to seeing how much we have changed even in such a short time. We will be looking at parts of our body and how they work. How to keep ourselves healthy with food, sleep and exercise. Also about what makes us happy and thinking about other feelings that we might have such as being sad or worried about starting a new class. We will be sharing lots of stories and songs. We will be having a special visit from the Teddy Bear hospital which will help us to understand the parts of our body and how they work, What happens when we eat? and What happens if we break a bone?



Here are some activities that you might like to try at home.

All About Me Home Activities

Summer Term - Minibeasts

This term we will be using our detective skills to find out about minibeasts. We will be counting, sorting, classifying and investigating what minibeasts we can find in Glan Yr Afon and where we live. We will be being creative in making a variety of paintings, drawings and models of what we find. There will be songs, rhymes and stories games all with a link to our Learning Context!



Here are some Minibeast activities you could try at home

Monday 27th February- School Closure.


Hello everyone! We hope that you had a fabulous half term. Today we are starting our new theme of Down on the farm. As part of our Sensational starter we are going to learn the song of Old Macdonald in sign language. You will find the link below. Mr Tumble makes it really easy to learn the signs!


Try sharing the story of the Noisy farm



Look at Mr Thorne's phonics for the a-e split digraph.


Count in 10's to 100 with Jack.


It is St David's Day on Wednesday don't forget your task Nursery -Leek and Reception-Sheep.

Below are some of the homework tasks we have set for our new theme if there are any other activities you feel you would like to try.

Have a great day and we will see you soon.

Mrs Williams



Spring 2 2023

This half term our context for learning will be 'Down on the farm'.

We will be looking at a variety of farm stories. We will be learning about animals that are on the farm and their babies. We will also look at what else happens on the farm such as what food is grown and where our food comes from. During this half term we will also have many special days to celebrate such as St David's Day, World Book Day, Mothers Day and Easter. It's going to be a busy half term!



Here are some links to some of the exciting activities that we will be using in our learning time. Click on them to see a taster of what we will be enjoying.We hope that you enjoy them!


Top Marks Maths Site


Old Macdonald in sign language


Share the Squash and a squeeze story together


Here is a link to our Home Learning Grid which has many exciting activities that you might like to try at home. Have a go and then come and show us what you have done so that we can share it with the rest of the class!


Stories and Rhymes Home Activities

Here are some activities for you to try at home. We hope that you enjoy sharing them with your family.


Spring Term 2023

Our learning context for this half term will be Favourite Stories and rhymes. We will be looking at The Tiger who came to tea, Owl Babies, Chinese New Year and Humpty Dumpty. We will be sharing our favourite stories and rhymes and having some amazing visitors to come tell us their favourite stories. We are looking forward to an amazing half term!


Hello Everyone,

Here are some exciting tasks you might like to complete at home on our theme of 'To the Moon and Back'

You can try as many as you like. We would love you to share your ideas with us so that we can share them together in Dosbarth Pinc.

Thank you!

School Closure- Monday 14th November 2022


Here is our Google class code leuestq in case you have trouble getting on.


These are some notes on the tasks I have posted. The tasks are -

Watch the story of Guess How much I love you?


The letter r with Mr Thorne -


Practice your counting with Jack forwards and back. 


Take a piece of string/wool/paper and see how far your arms stretch from hand to hand. Use this to find 3 things in your house or outside that are longer than and 3 things that are shorter than. You could then draw around your hands and attach this to show how far you can stretch.


Go for a walk and collect natural materials to make a love heart. 


Hope that you have fun! Enjoy the day and see you tomorrow!

Mrs Williams 

Welcome to Dosbarth Pinc- Our Nursery/ Reception Class.


Welcome to Autumn 2! smiley


Staff- Teachers - Mrs Williams (Mon-Thur) Miss Saville (Friday)

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Hubbard, Mrs Randall, Mrs Letman

1:1- Mrs Pearce (Mrs Neale Tues), Miss Edwards, Mrs Trevette, Mrs Innostrosa, Mrs Lewis


Our PE day has changed to Friday - Please come dressed in kit suitable for PE on this day. We will begin on Friday November 11th

Our learning context for this Autumn Half Term is -

'To the Moon and back'

We will be looking at the moon, stars and planets. We will be focusing on books such as Guess how much I love you? Whatever Next, Aliens love underpants, Laura's star and the Christmas Star.





We look forward to lots of investigations and experiments and ending with a Christmas celebration. It will be amazing fun!




Summer Term Overview- Down in the garden

Hello Everyone and Welcome to Dosbarth Caerfilli class page!


Class Teacher – Mon-Thursday – Mrs Williams Friday Miss Saville.

Teaching Assistants, Mrs Nazemi and Mrs Hubbard.



Our Learning Context for Summer is called-

Down in the Garden

We will be looking at a range of activities linked to the garden. We will be growing flowers and vegetables. We will also be looking at all the creatures that you may find in a garden from frogs to bees and ladybirds.





We will be learning about the story of 'Jack and The Beanstalk' and growing our own.